

158 for a average rating of 5 out of 5 stars!

travel a breeze

travel a breeze

I usually have a humidified CPAP machine, but needed to travel for 8 weeks away. MY machine is bulky. I spoke to Tina on the phone. She suggested i try the Transcend machine without humidification. This machine was absolutely fantastic. It was the size of my hand yet did as good a job as my larger machine at home.I loved the travel adapter plug. You just clicked on the different prongs for each country without the need for an adapter.It was small and compact, plus i got a great nights sleep. I didn't use to take my machine away as it was too bulky and ended up tired. But thanks again to Tina for suggesting it at such short notice.Very prompt arrival 2 days. Thanks Again.

Testimonial By: Annemarie H.

Wednesday 17 May, 2017

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